Thursday, October 2, 2008

Question on Workload

An Anonymous Reader asks:

"Can you define the workload restrictions, if any, that apply across campus? Right now, because of staff reductions, almost half of our department teaches an overload (as defined by PAc-29, which is 24 hrs per academic year). No one will be compensated, and I came to learn that the PAc's serve only as guidelines and there is no consequence to the administration if they violate the PAc's. So what governs how much a faculty is asked to work? The whim of their supervisor? It's a system without accountability and now with positions unfilled it is starting to impact more and more faculty."

I do not have an answer for you at the present. I will attempt to get some clarification soon. On the issue of your specific load, it might be helpful to know a little more. Would you feel comfortable telling me your department? Do other readers share this problem and concern?

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