Thursday, October 2, 2008

Question on Administrative Spending

An Anonymous Reader asks:

"Why is it that an academic program on campus can have a position suspended at the drop of a hat, despite a strong program review, whereas the Presidential Leadership Academy can have a $30,000 budget approved (only $20,000 this year!) without any review at all? I'm told that those who graduate value the experience greatly, but of course the same could be said for those who complete academic programs. We need more accountability for administrative spending, don't you think?"

I agree that we need more accountability for administrative spending, and indeed before the June meeting I want to get a much better handle on the University's budget. (It is at the June meeting when we pass the University's overall budget.) Please be aware that typically Regents do not get a chance to comment or suggest changes in individual budget lines. Right now I would rather focus my energies on academic positions and budget lines (than wading into a discussion of the merits of the President's Leadership Academy or other non-academic budget line). I will continue to hammer away at the simple point that we must support academic programs first and foremost.

But give me a little more time to understand the budget process a little more fully (it is a truly daunting task). If anyone wants specific information, I will try to obtain it. If you have specific concerns, please let me know. As I stated in an earlier entry, my first goal is to listen.

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