Monday, September 20, 2010

Tremendous Editorial in Herald-Leader on the UK Board and on Administrative Costs at American Universities

Be sure to check out the editorial by an emeritus economics professor at Centre. Although the editorial focuses on the UK Board of Trustees and their (to my way of thinking) totally inappropriate "salary adjustment" for President Lee Todd, it contains some good information on a recent study performed by the Goldwater Institute on administrative bloat in American universities.

You can read the editorial for yourself here:

The study on administrative costs can be found here:
The Goldwater Institute may be a little more conservative than college professors, but the study contains some valuable information.

I pledge to find out more about administrative costs for MSU and to keep you posted.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MSU's Decreasing Enrollment

As you know, Robert Dickeson’s book, “Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services: Reallocating Resources to Achieve Strategic Balance” provided the foundations, principles, and best practices for MSU's illustrious Curriculum Audit. The premise was to shift resources from underperforming units and reallocate them to higher achieving units. MSU's administration bought into this and is attempting to apply it to the reshuffle of programs and departments at MSU.

How does Dickeson's theory apply to MSU as an institute of higher education? MSU is Kentucky's lowest ranking state university regarding the increase or decrease in enrollment numbers this year. MSU was the only state university that had a declining enrollment. We are continually told that it is all about the numbers. Data Strategies was implemented at MSU to address data, numbers and quotas.

Will President Andrews, Provost Hughes and you (as a regent) recommend to the state legislature to follow Dickeson's theory of "Reallocating Resources to Achieve Strategic Balance" and apply it to state universities? Under this principle, MSU's declining enrollment could be cause for the state to further cut our funding and shift those resources to higher performing universities in the state who could utilize them more effectively.

How does this work? I haven't heard anyone in the MSU administration recommend this yet. Maybe you could send the governor, state officials and everyone on the CPE a copy of Dickeson’s book and explain how it was so successfully applied here at MSU. MSU could be a role model in how a declining enrollment can justify additional funding cuts during a budget shortfall year.