Saturday, July 24, 2010

In Praise of John O'Cull

We learned in June that Dr. John O'Cull will not be returning for another term on MSU's BOR. If you don't know John, you probably should.

John was an outstanding member of the BOR. John is an MSU graduate, and currently one of his sons is an MSU student, so he knows the place well and is a strong supporter of MSU. But, more important, as a Regent, John always took an active interest in recent developments in higher education, and he was genuinely interested in hearing the faculty perspective on various issues, including the controversial ones. And, although he has a rather mild temperament, he also could ask some tough questions in his efforts to make MSU a better institution.

I'll miss John on the BOR, both personally and professionally. He has set a high standard for the new Regents to live up to. If you know John or if you meet him, thank him for his outstanding service to MSU's BOR.

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