Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BOR Meeting on Thursday, 10 June

The full agenda for the 10 June BOR meeting is online and is mostly routine for this time of year. We will of course approve the operating budget and personnel roster for next year, but there is nothing terribly noteworthy in those documents except for the fact that we continue to struggle to do the best we can given the current funding situation.

For faculty, perhaps the most interesting topic will be the BOR's response to the revised Faculty Senate Constitution. A subcommittee of the Board and representatives from the Faculty Senate met a couple of weeks ago to discuss the document and to try to work out some compromises. It is too early to tell exactly what the Board will do with the Constitution, but it is possible that the Board will approve the document contingent upon some revisions. If this is the case, the revised document would be returned to the Senate and would have to be approved by that body and by the full faculty. More on this subject as it develops.

The Board will also approve the new strategic plan for the institution and will discuss the President's contract.


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