Wednesday, March 10, 2010

BOR Quarterly Meeting on Thursday, 11 March

For some reason, the agenda for the 11 March Quarterly Meeting of the BOR is not on the web just yet. I have seen a draft agenda, and here are some highlights (beyond the 2nd Quarter Financial Report, Personnel Actions, and other routine business):

A. Election of Board Officers
B. Approval of Tenure with Promotions
C. Approval of Sabbatical Leaves
D. Sabbatical Report from Elizabeth Mesa-Gaido (Art)
E. Approval of Purchase of Property and Exception to Master Plan

The last item may be the only controversial item on the agenda, and I would venture to say it is only controversial because of the difficult fiscal situation we are in throughout the state. Basically, the University is interested in pursuing the purchase of the current Rowan County Public Library for use as the location of the Kentucky Center for Traditional Music. The building could be used for other sorts of community outreach programs as well. Before the University can move forward on a purchase, the Regents must approve the exception to the Master Plan (acquiring this property is not on the plan).

From everything I've heard to date, this purchase makes sense for the University if the price is reasonable. If you get a chance, let me know what you think.

As always, you're welcome to attend BOR meetings. I'm sure the Regents would enjoy getting a chance to meet some faculty.


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