Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Breaking News: Raises at WKU

According to the student newspaper at Western Kentucky University, administrators are planning for a modest raise for faculty for next year. The plan would turn the 1.5% bonus faculty got in 2009 into a raise to their base pay this July. Read the story here:

Your natural question might be "If WKU can do it in these tough economic times, why can't MSU do it?" I'll be asking this question repeatedly myself, and I'll be watching to see what the other Kentucky universities do. I am not terribly hopeful that we'll get any raises for 2010-11, but we need to keep a faculty salary enhancement plan on the front burner.

If you haven't read the post on HB 374 below, please take a look at it and tell me what you think.



Anonymous said...

Let's see....approx. 500 faculty....average $60K...that's about $900 each...that's total of $500K.....ummmm.....past practice would tell us another unadvertise, six-figure administrative position would have to be created to accomplish this.....

Anonymous said...

You ever get the feeling that no one reads the blog

Ron Morrison said...

Sometimes . . . , but then people talk to me on campus about various issues related to the blog. Part of the problem is that I don't update it as regularly as I should.