Saturday, April 18, 2009

You're Invited . . .

All faculty and librarians are invited to drop by 102 Combs on Wednesday, 22 April from 3:00 until 5:00 p.m. I would like to hear your opinions on the curriculum audit, reorganization, presidential evaluation, and/or anything else you would like to talk about.

If you can't make it, please consider posting a response on this blog or sending me an e-mail at

Stay strong,



Anonymous said...

As faculty regent, what have you heard or know about any transition plan for MSU's future? Are we going to hear anything official before the end of the semester? You are our representative on the board but we haven't heard much from you lately about what is going on either.

The faculty have been waiting to hear something official about the next steps or for a timeline of events. We keep hearing rumors including a July 1st "start date" for something unknown to become officially known. What, we don't know. Andrews indicated in his last forum/convocation that it may be next fall before we hear anything.

It seems that MSU is becoming an institution with an interim administration and an unknown future.

We are told to just do our jobs and don't worry about the rest. That's wearing a little thin these days and isn't very reassuring. Our jobs usually include activities like planning, scheduling, or working together. It's a little hard to do that when nobody knows which end is up and we aren't told anything. Many departments don't even know who they will report to.

So, it looks like we endure the last two weeks of this carnival ride and call it a semester. My guess is that you are all fine with this and are just waiting for the same.

Maybe the "interim administration" will spring another last minute data report for faculty to complete the week of finals to send us off with one last headache to remind us that we should be so thankful to even have a job.

Yah, keep the faith.

Anonymous said...

Of course nothing will happen this semester. It's practically over.

All the action will happen over the summer when the faculty are gone. By the time you return for the fall semester everything will be ironed out with all NEW interim people in charge.

Now, you may not have the same position or be in the same unit, but you will learn to do your job and not worry about anything else.

After all, won't those data minions and that Data Devil be running things from now on? So don't worry about it. Stop griping.

You all need to learn to trust these interim people because once they figure out what is going on they will keep you informed.

I'm sure that if Dr. Morrison, as your regent, knew anything important that he would let you know.

You faculty need to stop worrying about your jobs, your colleagues, your work environment, your departments, your research or your workloads and get busy filling out that Faculty180 report. It was due last week.