Friday, March 27, 2009

The President's Forums

On Wednesday, I had to leave town right as the President was convening his first of two forums with faculty and staff. (I am sitting in Pittsburgh as I write this sentence. Since November, I have been planning to attend the College English Association meeting.)

I'm sorry to have missed the forums, especially since some of the President's comments have apparently touched a raw nerve or two. (See responses to my previous posting, which were created right at the time of the President's forums.)

I am very interested in hearing other responses to the forums, so please let me know what you think by commenting on this posting.

On the issue of decreased benefits, I am very concerned that we might continue to lose benefits in the wake of the budget crisis. I pledge to keep you informed of any information I might learn, and I promise to pass along to the President and others any concerns that you bring to me. (I have, for example, communicated my concern about the closing of the MSU Child Care Center.)

More when I return to Morehead . . . .


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