Friday, March 27, 2009

The President's Forums

On Wednesday, I had to leave town right as the President was convening his first of two forums with faculty and staff. (I am sitting in Pittsburgh as I write this sentence. Since November, I have been planning to attend the College English Association meeting.)

I'm sorry to have missed the forums, especially since some of the President's comments have apparently touched a raw nerve or two. (See responses to my previous posting, which were created right at the time of the President's forums.)

I am very interested in hearing other responses to the forums, so please let me know what you think by commenting on this posting.

On the issue of decreased benefits, I am very concerned that we might continue to lose benefits in the wake of the budget crisis. I pledge to keep you informed of any information I might learn, and I promise to pass along to the President and others any concerns that you bring to me. (I have, for example, communicated my concern about the closing of the MSU Child Care Center.)

More when I return to Morehead . . . .


Monday, March 9, 2009

Catching Up . . .

Sorry to be slow responding to some of the postings on the blog, but I've been trying to take care of business for you, and I've had that nasty bug that's going around.

At any rate, I'm feeling better and ready to respond to at least a couple of questions (more later this week).

First, I take no responsibility for the poetry on this blog--even though I have enjoyed reading it. What a civilized response to the tense time as we waited for the audit results! Keep it up, and maybe we'll have enough material to publish a chapbook.

On a more serious note, I have been asked by an anonymous reader if the BOR should vote on something more than an "executive summary" of the audit. The reader's specific question is this:

"Is the BOR not charged with the task of: 'The determination of the number of divisions, departments, bureaus, offices, and agencies needed for the successful conduct of the University' (BOR Bylaws, Article II, A.11). Is it appropriate for the BOR to make that determination based on an executive summary?

This question deserves a detailed answer.

Article II, A.11 certainly applies here, but so do other bylaws. The BOR will eventually be presented with program deletions and additions, as well as other items that need BOR approval.

But right now, what we have is a recommendation from Academic Affairs to take certain actions on various programs, including some fairly extensive reorganizations. While it is safe to assume that the President and his Cabinet would like to approve all or most of these recommendations, fiscal constraints and other practicalities may indeed cause the plan to be revised in some ways. If you have looked at the recommendations, you realize that there are still lots of details to be ironed out, and indeed implementing these recommendations may prove difficult. Thus, while eventually the BOR will approve many specific elements of the plan (including, presumably, the number of "divisions, departments, etc.), we are not quite at that point yet.

To address the other part of the reader's question, I don't want to speak for my fellow BOR members, but they are very much aware of how important this academic audit is for the health of the University. At the BOR meeting on 12 March, they will hear a detailed presentation on the audit and will have a chance to ask questions and make comments. BOR members will have also access to the same materials that you have, including the full audit recommendations.

In the last couple of days, a reader asked about my reaction to the audit recommendations. I have given this same answer a couple of times recently, but it's what I really believe. My personal reaction is far less important than YOUR responses. If you have issues you want to get out there, please respond to this blog or send me an e-mail. I want to know what you're thinking so that I can communicate your thoughts to Board.

Stay strong.
