Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thanks for Your Responses to My Faculty Morale Posting

The response to my faculty morale posting (see archive at right for 28 October) has been overwhelming. Some faculty members replied on the blog, but many more replied privately to me via e-mail. And others stopped me in the hallway or on the street. While the number of responses surprised me, I was not terribly surprised that faculty largely agreed with my assessment of the current situtation. While some faculty expressed their support for certain initiatives (e.g., reassessing workload, reforming general ed.), there was deep concern about how we are proceeding.

If you have not responded to me in some fashion, please do so in the coming week. I am meeting with the President on Monday, 10 November to discuss the current situtation, and I want to try to represent all points of view. Also I would like to hear any specific suggestions for improving the current situtation.



Anonymous said...

To what extent do Kentucky's open meetings and open records laws apply to the various task forces and ad hoc committees that the administration has set up? It might be good for the administration to act as if those laws applied. Let us know what groups have been set up, who are in these groups, when and where they meet, and what their purposes are.

As for the curriculum audit recommendations, I hope your fellow Regents will apply their business mindsets and insist on a fuller cost/benefit analysis. (Okay, they'll probably just rubber-stamp whatever the administration recommends, but I can still dream.)

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Tim, Annie, and I have read with concern the recent postings regarding faculty morale. In particular, we have noted the comments related to the current Gen Ed reform. Many of our recent efforts have been designed to address faculty concerns that they will not have a voice in the design and oversight of the new Gen Ed program. This is why FGEAC members visited each department this semester. We wanted to make certain everyone was informed about our process and was aware of their opportunities to contribute. An FGEAC subcommittee that includes representation from Senate, the Faculty Regent, and interested non-FGEAC members has drafted a proposal for a Gen Ed ratification process that ensures faculty approval. The proposal will be voted on by the FGEAC this Thursday and will then be forwarded to the Senate for their approval. Faculty can contact their FGEAC rep, Senators, or Annie, who chairs that subcommittee, for further info. We need your support! Faculty will be able to access the FGEAC feedback form on Gen Ed models until the Thanksgiving break. (http://www.moreheadstate.edu/ira/surveys/Faculty%20Gen%20Ed%20Advisory%20Council/faculty_gen_ed_adviory_cncl.htm) The FGEAC will utilize input received via this form to design the new Gen Ed program. We at the FGEAC need faculty to participate to make this process work. Please take some time to complete the form. Our meetings our open! Please come. The next one will be this Thursday, 4 PM, Fields Hall Seminar Room A. We post both agendas and minutes to the Gen Ed website. Join a committee. Talk to your FGEAC rep and/or your Senators. We listen, we care, we cannot do it alone. --Joy

Anonymous said...

So, how did the meeting go with President Andrews?