Saturday, September 27, 2008

Greetings from your Faculty Regent

Why another blog?

I give regular reports to the Faculty Senate, but I wanted to establish a forum where faculty can ask questions and provide feedback on campus initiatives and events. Such questions or comments do not need to be signed. I will try my best to answer these questions or to provide whatever information I can discover.

I also wanted a place to offer some explanations about how I voted on specific issues. I will normally try to solicit comments from faculty well in advance of a BOR meeting, but at times specific information on agenda items is not available until immediately before a meeting. It is important to me that you understand how and why I voted on a particular issue.

Always feel free to contact me.



Anonymous said...

What is your current position on the curriculum audit recommendations by the Provost?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that an academic program on campus can have a position suspended at the drop of a hat, despite a strong program review, whereas the Presidential Leadership Academy can have a $30,000 budget approved (only $20,000 this year!) without any review at all? I'm told that those who graduate value the experience greatly, but of course the same could be said for those who complete academic programs. We need more accountability for administrative spending, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Can you define the workload restrictions, if any, that apply across campus? Right now, because of staff reductions, almost half of our department teaches an overload (as defined by PAc-29, which is 24 hrs per academic year). No one will be compensated, and I came to learn that the PAc's serve only as guidelines and there is no consequence to the administration if they violate the PAc's. So what governs how much a faculty is asked to work? The whim of their supervisor? It's a system without accountability and now with positions unfilled it is starting to impact more and more faculty.

Ron Morrison said...

See my answer above.