Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Agenda for the 9 June BOR Meeting

The full agenda (and most supporting documents) for the 9 June BOR meeting are available here: http://www2.moreheadstate.edu/bor/index.aspx?id=63066

The new Personnel Roster is not available online, but it does reflect a 2% pay raise for all employees ($600 minimum). Hard copies of this popular document should arrive in the Library and various departments in the next week or so.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I will be at Yale University and will have to miss the meeting (first time ever). Representatives from the Faculty Senate plan to attend.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Time to Get This Blog Up and Running Again

Stay tuned for more information about next week's Board of Regents Meeting (6/9/11). I hope to have a full agenda early next week.

As I announced in the Faculty Senate, I will have to miss my first BOR meeting in June. I am reading a paper at an international conference at Yale University next week. It was an offer I simply could not refuse.
